2025 6th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic Information and Communication Engineering
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General Conference Chairs   


Prof. Yingmin Yi

Xi'an University of Technology (profile)

Yingmin Yi, PhD, third-level Professor, doctoral supervisor, Dean, Deputy Director of National Local Engineering Research Center for Crystal Growth and System Integration, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center for Crystal Growth Equipment and Control Technology, Director of Shaanxi Province four main bodies and one joint Engineering Research Center, and Director of Shaanxi Province Automation Society Instrument and Control Committee. Served as a member of the curriculum reform working group of the Ministry of Education's Automation Professional Teaching Advisory Committee, and won one special prize of Shaanxi Provincial Teaching Achievement Award; Presided over the Ministry of Education industry-university-research collaborative education project 1, presided over the national big creation project 4; Published 8 papers on teaching reform; Won more than 30 national and provincial awards in the Internet + competition. He has published more than 80 papers in SCI, EI and other journal conferences at home and abroad, and presided over the drafting of 2 Chinese group standards. He has presided over or participated in more than 20 national science and technology major projects, the National 973 Plan, major scientific research instrument development projects of the National Foundation Committee, key projects, and major key projects of Shaanxi Province. Won the provincial and ministerial level first prize 5, other science and technology awards more than 10. 72 intellectual property rights were applied for or authorized, including nearly 20 converted patents. He was awarded the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" of Shaanxi Province "advanced worker" and the chief engineer of small and medium-sized enterprises in Shaanxi Province. Ministry of Science and Technology key research and development program major instrument special review expert, Ministry of Science and Technology young scientist review expert, Shaanxi Province "three talents" review expert, Shaanxi Province major project review expert, Xi 'an energy conservation review expert.


Prof. Yang Yue

Xi'an Jiaotong University (profile)

Professor, PhD supervisor, School of Information and Communication Engineering, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, SPIE member, IEEE/Optica Senior member, National Young Talent Program candidate, founder of Intelligent Photon Application Technology Laboratory (iPatLab) and current PI. He is committed to the basic and applied research in the field of intelligent photonics such as optical communication, light perception, and optical chips. He received his bachelor's degree in Electronic Information Science and Technology and Master's degree in optics from Nankai University in 2004 and 2007, respectively, and his Doctor's degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California in 2012. After graduation, he worked for Silicon Valley Semiconductor Company and network equipment company. In 2021, he was selected into Xi 'an Jiaotong University's "Young Top Talent Support Program". He has published more than 260 papers (including Science), including nearly 20 invited papers, applied for and authorized more than 60 patents (including 25 US patents, 9 European patents, and more than 30 authorized patents), edited 6 English books and 2 English book chapters, and cited more than 10,000 times by Google Academic. He was invited to give more than 200 lectures (including 1 Tutorial,30 Plenary sessions and 50 Keynote sessions). He has presided over nearly 10 national, provincial and ministerial level and enterprise horizontal scientific research projects, with a total fund of more than 10 million yuan. Currently, J. Lightw. Technol is Associate editor of IEEE Access/Frontiers in Physics, editor of Sensors and other 4 academic journals. He has been guest editor of special issues for more than 10 times, chairman of international conferences and members of technical committees for more than 100 times, and reviewer of more than 70 academic journals.

Publication Chair   


Prof. Lingfeng Shi 

Xidian University  (profile)

Currently, Professor Lingfeng Shi is primarily involved in research pertaining to sensor signal processing, navigation and positioning, as well as wireless communication. His academic achievements are impressive, having published over 110 academic papers. Notably, more than 70 of these papers have been indexed by SCI, with nearly 20 appearing in top-tier journals of Chinese Academy of Sciences and over 20 published in IEEE journals. Additionally, he has contributed more than 10 papers to prominent international academic journals and conferences. Professor Shi's patent portfolio is also noteworthy, holding over 17 authorized national invention patents, 1 authorized utility model, and having applied for 4 additional national invention patents. Furthermore, he has successfully transferred 2 invention patents.

Professionally, Professor Shi holds the distinction of being a Senior Member of IEEE and a member of the Chinese Society of Electronics. He also serves as a reviewer for over a dozen SCI international academic journals, demonstrating his recognition within the academic community. Additionally, he is a reviewer for the Journal of Electronics (both Chinese and English editions), Journal of Posts and Telecommunications of China, and Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China - Engineering Edition. He is also recognized as an award review expert by both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Technical Program Committee Chair    


Prof. Rugui Yao

Northwestern Polytechnical University (profile)

He received his bachelor's, master's and Doctor's degrees from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2002, 2005 and 2006 respectively. He is engaged in basic theoretical research of high-speed and high-reliability broadband wireless communication technology and national defense application research. Presided over a number of national, provincial and ministerial vertical projects, as well as a number of horizontal projects. He has published more than 100 academic papers and authorized more than 20 patents. He has published 1 monograph, edited 1 textbook and participated in editing 1 textbook. He won the second prize of the National Defense Science and Technology Progress Award (ranked 3rd) and the third prize of the People's Liberation Army Science and Technology Progress Award (ranked 6th). Presided over 3 provincial education reform projects and won 1 special prize of Shaanxi Provincial Teaching Achievement Award. He is a senior member of IEEE, Chinese Society of Electronics, and Chinese Society of Communications, and a young member of the Internet of Things Technical Committee of Chinese Society of Electronics. He successively served as vice president of the School of Educational Experiments and deputy Director of the Office of Academic Affairs. He was appointed Vice President of the School of Electronic Information in May 2022.

Organizing Committee Chairs   


Prof. Xinghua Liu

Xi'an University of Technology  (profile)

Xinghua Liu, born in 1984 in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, holds a Doctoral degree and currently serves as a professor and a doctoral supervisor. Visiting Scholar of RMIT University in Australia, Research Fellow of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, New Star of Science and Technology of Xi 'an University of Technology, Young Star of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province, High-level Talents Program of Shaanxi Province, and Excellent Backbone Talents Exchange Program of the Ministry of Education in Central and Western China. His research interests include networked control systems, security and control of information physical systems, modeling of power information physical systems (CPS), fault diagnosis, and security control. At present, 111 academic papers have been published, including 59 SCI papers, with cumulative impact factor IF> 200, the total number of Google academic papers cited more than 800 times, H-factor 17, published 1 Wiley English monograph as the first author, applied for/approved 11 national invention patents, and won 1 science and technology award of Shaanxi Provincial colleges and universities as the first completed person. Senior member of IEEE, member of Chinese Society of Automation (CAA)/ Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence (CCAI) and member of Youth Working Committee, member of China Power Supply Society, member of Robot System Simulation Committee of China Simulation Society, and director of Shaanxi Power Supply Society. Presided over the National Natural Science Foundation, Shaanxi Province Overseas high-level talent introduction program, Innovation ability Support Program Young Science and Technology star project, Xi 'an Science and technology Plan and other vertical projects. He is currently the Director of the Power Grid Information and Control Engineering Department.

Organizing Committees

Prof. Huaxi Gu, Xidian University, China 

Prof. Fucai Qian, Xi'an University of Technology, China 

Prof. Haiyan Jin, Xi'an University of Technology, China 

Prof. Zhiliang Zhao, Shanxi Normal University, China 

Prof. Chaobo Chen, Xi'an Technological University, China 

A.Prof. Tao Zheng (IEEE member), North University of China, China 

A.Prof. Xinyu Zhang, Xi'an University of Technology, China 

A.Prof. Fei Yan, Xi'an University of Technology, China 

A.Prof. Tianming Ma, Shanghai University Of Engineering Science, China 

A.Prof. Yunhe Hou, University of Hong Kong, China

A.Prof. Yuan Xin, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Lecturer. Yankai Li, Xi'an University of Technology, China 

Lecturer. Li Wu, Xi'an University of Technology, China 

Lecturer. Bojun Liu, Xi'an University of Technology, China 

Lecturer. Xianghong Xue, Xi'an University of Technology, China

Lecturer. Peng Chen (IEEE member), Chang'an University, China

Technical Program Committees

Prof. Ruonan Zhang (IEEE member), Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Prof. Yali Wu, Xi'an University of Technology, China

Prof. Sandeep Saxena, IMS Unison University, Indian

Prof. Poongodi, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

Prof. Dr. Kolla Bhanu Prakash (IEEE Senior Member), Computer Science and Engineering Department, K. L. University, Andhra Pradesh, India

A.Prof. Ruirui Ji, Xi'an University of Technology, China

A.Prof. Yuxing Li, Xi'an University of Technology, China

A.Prof. Wenqing Wang, Xi'an University of Technology, China

A.Prof. Qing He, Northeastern University, China

A.Prof. Xiaobo Chi, Shanxi University, China

A.Prof. Da Zhang, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, China

A.Prof. Rong Li, Taiyuan University of Technology, China

A.Prof. Ghous Bakhsh, NED University, Pakistanian

A.Prof. Imane Hilal, Lyrica Lab, School of Information Sciences, Morocco

A.Prof. Chawki Djeddi, Larbi Tebessi University, Algeria